My Next Adventure

Published by
Adam Boyes
August 15, 2024
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Eight years ago, I started a professional journey with my old friends at Iron Galaxy. At the end of this year, I’ll be embarking on my next adventure. Throughout my career, sooner or later, I always find myself yearning to try something new or tackle new challenges. The fact that I’ve remained in my seat at Iron Galaxy for twice as long as anywhere else I have ever worked is a testament to the special culture that defines this place and the outstanding people who work here.

We’ve done some truly amazing things together these past eight years. I’ll never forget seeing the Rumbleverse community come together in a place that we built from the ground up (We hardly knew you!). During my time at Iron Galaxy, we’ve had a chance to work with the finest creators on the best damn games that money can buy. It’s been a privilege to help our partners fortify their worlds. Thank you for welcoming us into your creative process and trusting us to serve your communities right alongside you.

All of that will continue at Iron Galaxy. I’m only one member of this team, and they’re still here to keep doing amazing things. I want to offer my sincerest thanks to the people who welcomed me to lead this company with them. Dave Lang, thank you for trusting me to push the boundaries of what Iron Galaxy could accomplish. Chelsea Blasko, thank you for teaching me so much about building a strong culture – Iron Galaxy is in the best possible hands with you as their sole CEO.

This transition won’t happen all at once. I’ll remain on as a member of this team until the end of the year. As for what’s next? I’ll talk about that later. The most I can say right now is that an industry that I love is suffering. My new inspirations are to find ways to help people who make games solve their biggest problems. But that is a story for another time…

Iron Galaxy is the best place I have ever worked. It feels strange to say that in the same breath I’m using to say that I’m leaving, but we all need to follow our hearts. Creating video games is a passionate endeavor for passionate people, and our industry needs help more than ever before. You haven’t heard the last from me, and neither has IG.